Types of metal cans

One of the things that must be taken into consideration when making metal cans is that the lid of the cans should be designed in such a way that no foreign material is allowed to enter the container and at the same time it prevents the food from spoiling. Another point that exists during the construction of the lid of metal cans is that the lid of the can must be opened in such a way that it can be opened easily if there is no opener.

Types of metal can lids

Metal cans with simple lids require a door opener to open them, otherwise they cannot be opened easily.

easy open

Today, due to the advancements made in the can industry, easy-to-open doors are designed so that people can easily open the door of the desired can in any position.

These doors are in such a way that a ring is installed on the top of the teapot lid, which can be easily opened by pulling it towards the back.

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